Over the years, E-learning has changed the way kids learn and has opened opportunities of learning to the older generations too. In comparison with the traditional classroom learning, E-learning has gained an edge.
It’s less expensive. Apart from the tuition fee, a student also has to pay for transport and other extra costs. With the cost of the Check out our various courses that you can learn online being comparatively low, the motivation levels are high here.
Spacing out the course based on one’s convenience is a big advantage. If one is studying or working, attending classes can be difficult which ultimately leads to skipping classes. This surely doesn’t help.
The pace can be according one’s convenience and grasping power. With no time frame to complete the course, the pace can be determined by the student. Many a times, a student may know the basics and doesn’t have to learn the whole portion all over. Skipping certain parts and concentrating on another works better.
Learning a subject from different instructors can have an impact on learning. Pace, methodology and motivation does change from one instructor to the other. Here the message comes from one person and is consistent. Another key point to look at.
Anytime, anywhere! While traveling, late night or 12 hours of continuous study; nothing restricts the student to learn anytime, anywhere. Convenience has a lot to do with learning.
Going back to a part you forgot after months is another option to consider. Relooking for information and retention of information due to the fusion of video, audio, puzzles, etc., is a good feature of E-learning.
Have you opted for E-learning? Tell us your experience, we would love to know.