Business Skills

Business Etiquettes

Just when someone talks about etiquettes, most of us feel we know our etiquettes and want to run away. We’ve seen books, tutorials and articles on business etiquettes. So what does etiquettes mean? rules that take off your individuality? Well, etiquettes is about making people feel good! It’s not about rules to follow or what to do, it’s about ensuring social comfort. Here are some business etiquettes or social comforters (for your convenience). 1. Thank you note – Sending a […]

Successful Business Communication

“Don`t communicate to be understood; rather, communicate so as not to be misunderstood.”, says Dr. Lund. Every professional has to communicate effectively, while most of them feel they are good at it. Well, it’s the recipient that decides whether the opposite person is effectively communicating or not. If you’re a business man or entrepreneur, listen to the feedback and work on your communication skills. For, Warren Buffett once said that better communication could increase the value of a person by […]

Break the Barriers

Succeeding in business, in this age is all about breaking limits, traditions and most of all, barriers. We live in a time where management requires creativity; be it in communication, presentation or effective application of resources. And innovation requires training of time management, ethics in business and understanding other aspects of the assignment. There will always be the set of rules that are applicable to a positive outcome in a business: Good decision making skills, language skills, time management, delegating, […]


Globalization has created an ambience where effective communication is a gilded skillset. You can be talking to delegates from different countries, in a network of people from varying industries or even different age groups! How do you hit the bullseye? Your audience needs to first trust you, to be able to perceive you oration. People that are confident, optimistic and demonstrate competence, generate trust. Knowing what you have to talk about is important, but even your presentation of it builds […]