We all make millions of decisions every day, big and small. I’m sure we have regretted so many decisions too! Getting faster and better is the key to improve your daily productivity. Here are some hacks to get better at decision making, however understand the situation and then use an idea apt to make the right decision. 1.The two minute rule – Give yourself a deadline. As less as 2 minutes to make a decision. The time limit will make […]
Uses of E-Learning
Over the years, E-learning has changed the way kids learn and has opened opportunities of learning to the older generations too. In comparison with the traditional classroom learning, E-learning has gained an edge. It’s less expensive. Apart from the tuition fee, a student also has to pay for transport and other extra costs. With the cost of the Check out our various courses that you can learn online being comparatively low, the motivation levels are high here. Spacing out the […]
Tips to learn a new language
Placed an order and found the route by asking a local for directions; all done by communicating in a language your just learning. Pat your back first before you realize the grammatical errors or the other mistakes you made. The effort you made got you through and that’s the first tiny success. Such successes while learning a new language boosts your confidence and makes you yearn to learn more. Map your road Once you’re clear about your goals it becomes […]
Break the Barriers
Succeeding in business, in this age is all about breaking limits, traditions and most of all, barriers. We live in a time where management requires creativity; be it in communication, presentation or effective application of resources. And innovation requires training of time management, ethics in business and understanding other aspects of the assignment. There will always be the set of rules that are applicable to a positive outcome in a business: Good decision making skills, language skills, time management, delegating, […]
Globalization has created an ambience where effective communication is a gilded skillset. You can be talking to delegates from different countries, in a network of people from varying industries or even different age groups! How do you hit the bullseye? Your audience needs to first trust you, to be able to perceive you oration. People that are confident, optimistic and demonstrate competence, generate trust. Knowing what you have to talk about is important, but even your presentation of it builds […]