Has all the schedule organizing apps, diaries and other means to manage your time effectively have put you in trouble, leaving with back-log work? Well, all these tools work in accordance with a clock time, while your mind works on real time. Real time is the time that sits between your ears. Your remark about time flying or dragging depends on your actions and daily routine. To have a productive day, here are some practical techniques that will keep you […]
Techniques to improve your memory
Memories elicited aren’t just based on what you see. It is beyond sight. Sounds, tastes, textures, facts, emotions contribute towards the making of memories. Even after many years of an event happening, it can pop up in your mind by a tiny element that is attached to the event. Many think that they have a poor memory which is written on a stone. Well, that’s wrong! Your memory can certainly be improved in many ways. While there are many techniques […]
Tips to boost your memory
Even with technology simplifying our work, it can still complicate it in many ways. One such complication is remembering passwords! From your bank accounts to social media profiles, email accounts, etc. The list of things to remember is endless, but in a nutshell, a good memory power is required. Here are a some hacks to improve your memory to get passed the irritation of forgetting – Make nature the object – Take a walk down the road, admire the varied […]